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SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 14:19:47
#1 ]
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Joined: 13-Oct-2005
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From: Tortuga

SAM440 has been available for 2 1/2 months now. I am wondering how many users bought one and how many have been sold so far.

Have ACube already commented somewhere how sales have been going for industrial clients?

This signature is in the middle of a much needed facelift!

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 14:25:57
#2 ]
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I would say that less than 10 people on this
website bought it.

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 14:43:39
#3 ]
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Joined: 17-Mar-2004
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From: Glasgow, UK


Unless it is able to run OS4, the SAM sadly does not interest me.

Kind regards,



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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 14:56:24
#4 ]
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I wouldn't be surprised if Acube would sell more pre-assembled Mini-migs in the first month than they will ever sell SAM's during its lifetime.

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 15:01:05
#5 ]
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That I can be sure of More MiniMig sales.
Perhaps ACube can work on a SAM 440 Plug In Also... But Amiga Forever Is Just as good.

I bout a SAM 440PPC! I know 3-4 others who have, and one that is planning!

Put one in your New Years day resolution. Crux PPC ISO with official SAM 440 PPC support built in is around the corner.

Easy Pocket Money, Freelancers & Experts Online
MiniMig FPGA, Sam440 Flex 733Mhz PPC, Amiga OS 4.1 Update 2, MorphOS 2.4, Other - AmiKit + Cloanto Amiga Forever 2008 + E-UAE, AmigaSYS

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 15:33:15
#6 ]
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What are you going to do with Linux/PPC?

It's useless for all desktops in 2008.. I some-
how doubt that you will build a car or some-
thing around this platform..

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 15:43:14
#7 ]
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From: Blighty


Without OS4, it's a relatively slow Linux machine. I have several of those already.

I'll definitely buy a minimig though!


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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 17:20:59
#8 ]
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From: Italy, Northwest


I received Samep 5 days ago.
Tonight I finally access the Sam!

my A1="Os4", Sam ="OS4.1"
Now Amiga 1200!

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 17:52:46
#9 ]
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ACube hasn't made (m?)any comments in some time. It's technically not our business, but by the same token, a $1000USD _slow_ Linux system simply is of zero use to me.

I expect it's faster than the Efika, but at the price difference, it's just insane. No interest in either at the moment - I might get an Efika (Efika2?) assuming they're ever shipping AND MOS actually releases, or might consider a SAM with OS4. I'd still be ####ed about the pricing though. I'd much sooner rather buy a Mac Mini or a second PS3.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 18:44:50
#10 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe

The Mini ITX market has been put under price pressure by Intel.

They have released the D201GLY2 Mini ITX board with a 1,2 GHz single core Celeron processor based on the Conroe. It is very efficient and has an average price of just 70 euro.

It just crushes the VIA Epia range in both price and performance and it makes buying ITX solutions that take a mobile Core 2 Duo or other board like the SAM440 hardly justifiable.

If you have an Epia and are thinking of selling it to buy something better then do it now whilst most of the world doesn't know this board yet because over the next few months the second hand price for these boards will plummet.

Last edited by PulsatingQuasar on 26-Dec-2007 at 06:47 PM.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 18:49:19
#11 ]
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I would have bought one, but I recently lost my job since the place I worked made insolvency.
so, sadly it has to wait a little..

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 21:51:37
#12 ]
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Right now it does not run AmigaOS4, I hope one day I see Sam440 on some Amiga show whit OS4 installed as beta, but until that day, its just a MB for embedded market whit special needs for FPGA chip on it I hope they sell a few ACube-Systems nice company.

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 21:53:49
#13 ]
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From: Norway



They have released the D201GLY2 Mini ITX board with a 1,2 GHz single core Celeron processor based on the Conroe. It is very efficient and has an average price of just 70 euro.

It just crushes the VIA Epia range in both price and performance and it makes buying ITX solutions that take a mobile Core 2 Duo or other board like the SAM440 hardly justifiable.

Yes but "D201GLY2 Mini ITX board with a 1,2 GHz single core Celeron processor" does not come whit FPGA, so its not the same thing after all.

Facebook::LiveForIt Software for AmigaOS

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 22:11:28
#14 ]
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Yes, but it also doesn't justify the huge difference in price. For normal users the FPGA on the mobo is useless anyway. And if you really wanted it, it would be cheaper to add it via a PCI card.

My whole reasoning here was that now Intel has put ITX in a pressure cooker price wise. It's hard to justify the increases in price for other solutions.

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 22:59:29
#15 ]
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If you want to execute the same rubbish then go a head.

There is an entire team working on Solid PPC code and if you want it you need something like a SAM 440PPC.

If you can't afford it your lying you just need to cut your budget and start saving the pennies.

Having everything built in is more preferable.

Besides if I wanted the best or fastest machine years ago I would never have bought a PC.

Easy Pocket Money, Freelancers & Experts Online
MiniMig FPGA, Sam440 Flex 733Mhz PPC, Amiga OS 4.1 Update 2, MorphOS 2.4, Other - AmiKit + Cloanto Amiga Forever 2008 + E-UAE, AmigaSYS

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 23:29:20
#16 ]
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From: me To: you


Besides if I wanted the best or fastest machine years ago I would never have bought a PC.

i can assume by best you mean amiga, but im curious to know what you consider faster than a PC.


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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 26-Dec-2007 23:37:39
#17 ]
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From: The Netherlands, Europe


OK, I have tried to make sense of the sentences there to figure out what you are actually saying but I can't figure it out.

What where you actually trying to say?

AmigaOne-XE G3 OS 4.
A4000 PPC
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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 27-Dec-2007 0:29:35
#18 ]
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From: UK, AUS, US


I'm saying I new an A1200 or A4000 would have been a better bet for me.
I bought a Amiga CD 32 instead, hoping to expand it.

I was doing the best BASIC programming at the time on my Amiga 500, whipping the local competition in terms of quality and delivery time.

Even my Amiga 500 BASIC programming book had features not documented in Q-Basic.

Sad thing was the BASIC programming IDE was made by MS.

So I decided I needed a 486DX2 just to complete my PC porting skills.
I quickly master Pascal, Turbo C and C++ with DOS 4GW in 32Bit mode.

The only thing I remember liking about the PC was that it has a hard disk. My 500 or CD32 did not. Plus I could play a few wacky PC titled games.

But this year 8 months ago I booted my first A4000. I was stunned at the sheer speed.

Now that I understand multiple envionments including Linux and Mac, I would strongly recommend against buying anything other than PPC Amiga.

There is no point in extending a mountain that no one can climb. But to re-build the Amiga World and enjoy the benefits of its Patented & Copyrighted TM's is the way forward for me now.

If someone wants the fastest, linking up multi processor PPC cores is better than X86 cores. If somebody want to compete on price and say X86 WIndows or X86 Linux is cheaper well I would say its cheap but slow, cause it still doesn't perform the way I expect an OS to operate. The Amiga OS multi-tasking though is kick as and every time I use it makes me feel better.

So I want be looking back.

Easy Pocket Money, Freelancers & Experts Online
MiniMig FPGA, Sam440 Flex 733Mhz PPC, Amiga OS 4.1 Update 2, MorphOS 2.4, Other - AmiKit + Cloanto Amiga Forever 2008 + E-UAE, AmigaSYS

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 27-Dec-2007 4:26:35
#19 ]
Elite Member
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Posts: 8554

There are so many things wrong with your statements for nearly ALL people out there, I'm unsure where to start...but:


There is an entire team working on Solid PPC code and if you want it you need something like a SAM 440PPC.

Umm, define 'Solid PPC code'? Oh, you mean Linux...if so, the PPC codebase typically lags behind x86 on was a long time before Flash and java were available for PPC Linux, as well as others (may still even be the case?)


If you can't afford it your lying you just need to cut your budget and start saving the pennies.

Being able to afford it is different from someone thinking they're wasting their money, for an underperforming system for the $ spent.


Having everything built in is more preferable.

Not to some. Do you then have ZERO expansion in your A4000, and anyone with a mediator or Zorro cards is somehow 'wrong'? And people with Micros and their relatively lame Radeons onboard should never want to replace it either?


Besides if I wanted the best or fastest machine years ago I would never have bought a PC.

Maybe years ago, like 15+...but there are also many definitions for the word 'best.'


Now that I understand multiple envionments including Linux and Mac, I would strongly recommend against buying anything other than PPC Amiga.

For you maybe, but others actually need to do useful _work_ and produce things, they can not do on the Amiga...and there is NO reason to throw out $$$ for a slow PPC Linux system (SAM) - there's nothing you can do on a SAM running Linux that you can't do faster on a cheaper PC.

IF SAM ran OS4, then it would simply be an overpriced (to many) system, but at least able to run OS4.

Without it, for desktop users, a better question would be - why buy one?
Kudos to ACube for actually producing something, and maybe they'll find a commercial buyer, but at those prices, and without OS4, there isn't much point for end users.

Last edited by wegster on 27-Dec-2007 at 04:29 AM.
Last edited by wegster on 27-Dec-2007 at 04:28 AM.

Are we not done with the same silly arguments and flames yet??!

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Re: SAM440: Who bought one?
Posted on 27-Dec-2007 4:32:56
#20 ]
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Joined: 5-Feb-2007
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From: UK, AUS, US


Well I guess you don't have a SAM 440, Maybe when you do have one you can find something you can do on a SAM 440EP that you cant do on a cheap PC. Until then you can make do without having one. Cause thats your aim, make do. Right? Best Dollar / CPU cycle ratio. But waist all that energy and clock cycles executing poor rubbish.

Easy Pocket Money, Freelancers & Experts Online
MiniMig FPGA, Sam440 Flex 733Mhz PPC, Amiga OS 4.1 Update 2, MorphOS 2.4, Other - AmiKit + Cloanto Amiga Forever 2008 + E-UAE, AmigaSYS

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