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Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 6:43:44
#1 ]
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Joined: 22-Jun-2005
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From: MA, USA

The story is catching on further it would seem. Now on Ars Technica:

Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5

By Jeremy Reimer | Published: October 08, 2007 - 10:01PM CT

Amiga, Inc, the company that in 2000 split from Gateway Computers—the eventual owners of the Amiga IP after the Commodore bankruptcy in 1994—has had a rough and difficult life. The company was hit hard by the dot-com crash in 2001, which put most of its projects in limbo. Since then, it has managed to partner with other firms to release both new hardware (Eyetech's AmigaOne and AmigaOne Micro) and new software (Hyperion's Amiga OS4). Unfortunately, fights over the deals that were signed at the time have led to a legal standoff where both new Amiga hardware and a finished OS4 are available, but they cannot be sold to consumers. In the middle of this quagmire stands Bill McEwen, president of Amiga since the Gateway split, who finally came out of a self-imposed silence recently to answer some questions posed by Amiga fans.

Unfortunately, the answers contain very little of substance. McEwen was unable to comment on the lawsuit, so no new information was on offer about how the standoff might be resolved. Hyperion and Amiga, Inc. are fighting over ownership of OS4 based on a contract that allegedly stipulated that Hyperion would receive the rights should Amiga, Inc. declare bankruptcy. Amiga, Inc. was bought wholesale in 2003 by a company called KMOS that then changed its name back to Amiga, Inc. after the sale was completed. Hyperion is claiming that this constitutes a bankruptcy, whereas Amiga, Inc. disagrees.

McEwen also didn't comment on whether or not Amiga OS4 would ever be made available for the new Sam 440 PowerPC motherboard that was recently demonstrated at the Amiga show in Pianeta, Italy, and which is the choice of Hyperion to replace the no-longer-available AmigaOne board. Amiga, Inc. is instead promoting an unreleased set of PPC motherboards to be delivered by ACK Controls. McEwen was asked to comment on the state of these designs, but would only say that he was "very confident in his abilities" and "very pleased with the progress that has been made so far," without committing to any dates.

On the software side, Amiga, Inc. is implying that OS4 is yesterday's news. McEwen said that OS5 is "ahead of schedule" and will be "better than Mac OS X." As for a release date, he will only say that "details for OS5 will be made public in the fourth quarter of 2007" which is essentially an announcement of an announcement, something that the Amiga community has suffered more than its fair share of.

McEwen is not unaware of how he is viewed by the community. "I have been reminded time and again about the 'Amiga curse,'" he said. "I certainly can say that there has been more than one time where I considered this to be real." The Amiga curse started with Commodore, but continued on as company after company that picked up the Amiga assets has either abandoned the technology or gone bankrupt itself. It's a shame, as OS4 is a nice OS that runs extremely quickly on low-powered hardware. I continue to use and enjoy my AmigaOne, and with just a little investment in third-party software development it could be a genuine alternative to Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux.

Pegasos2 G3 running AOS 4.1 and MorphOS 2.0
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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 9:16:08
#2 ]
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From: Elche (Alicante), spain


I think that the curse is true, and the tao grup is another victim of it

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 11:26:04
#3 ]
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Put a little bit of the Holly Spirit back into it then and say a prayer if you really believe.
Thats the end of the curse, full stop.

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 11:29:35
#4 ]
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Anyone know the origin of the term 'the Amiga curse'?

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 11:29:49
#5 ]
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The fact is, this travesty is led by someone who preaches stories with no substance or evidence. That sounds rather familiar to me!

I don't want to believe, I want to KNOW.


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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 11:40:47
#6 ]
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From: Atlanta


Bit of research is probably needed, but I recall the term first being used when Escom got into trouble and filed bankruptcy. That was mid 1996. It's possible it was used even before Escom though.

First Amiga Company - bought out and closed.
Second (Commodore) - Bankrupt
Third Escom - Bankrupt
Then the wide spread use of Amiga Curse.


Last edited by Plaz on 09-Oct-2007 at 11:43 AM.

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 12:33:09
#7 ]
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McEwen also didn't comment on whether or not Amiga OS4 would ever be made available for the new Sam 440 PowerPC motherboard that was recently demonstrated at the Amiga show in Pianeta, Italy, and which is the choice of Hyperion to replace the no-longer-available AmigaOne board.

Actually, it was not just Hyperion's choice, but Bill's choice as well. Bill McEwen:

Well, while that happened, there is a team and a group of people in Italy who've developed a new piece of hardware based off of the next generation of that power pc chip, the power pc 440 and I have been very pleased in working with the Samantha team, and I know they'll be showing you this new product, and we're looking forward to getting OS4 on that platform and available as this will allow us to have new products, new hardware. In running with the PowerPC 440, it will enable new product types to be delivered in the portable area, in handhelds, in lightweights...

^^^Lest we forget^^^


This posting, in its entirety, represents solely the perspective of the author.
*Secrecy has served us so well*

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 14:06:45
#8 ]
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Joined: 30-Sep-2005
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From: Quattro Stelle


I remember that!

Amiga Inc. must suffer from memory loss!


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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 22:24:13
#9 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA



Plaz wrote:

Bit of research is probably needed, but I recall the term first being used when Escom got into trouble and filed bankruptcy. That was mid 1996. It's possible it was used even before Escom though.

First Amiga Company - bought out and closed.
Second (Commodore) - Bankrupt
Third Escom - Bankrupt
Then the wide spread use of Amiga Curse.


Which also is rumored to be behind the names of certain companies back in 2003.


Which means M is up next, and to help the conspiracy folks lets say:




PS most of the curse stuff came up at a Gateway Amiga show years ago.

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 9-Oct-2007 23:41:15
#10 ]
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Joined: 26-Sep-2003
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I seem to remember Tim Rue talking about it on usenet way back when.

@ all

I am so confused. Just who is the devil now BBRV or McBill Forgot about another Bill, Gates! So many Bills.

Last edited by stew on 09-Oct-2007 at 11:42 PM.

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 10-Oct-2007 1:48:14
#11 ]
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From: Atlanta


I seem to remember Tim Rue talking about it on usenet way back when.

You were there too eh? Boy what an adventure that was some times. All preserved now by google groups forever and ever.


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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 10-Oct-2007 2:31:31
#12 ]
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From: Atlanta


Hmmm.... that would be interesting, but we forget that Amino came after Gateway. That kinda messes things up.


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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 10-Oct-2007 2:40:40
#13 ]
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Yes I was there. I always wondered how much Rogue and his brother had to pay Steve G to use the SG in execSG? It was named after him you know.

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Re: Even wary of the "Amiga curse," the new Amiga promises the moon with OS5
Posted on 10-Oct-2007 3:55:07
#14 ]
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From: Rocket City, USA



Plaz wrote:

Hmmm.... that would be interesting, but we forget that Amino came after Gateway. That kinda messes things up.


Actually according to the current story, Amino got there money from Itec, like Amiga International got there money from Gateway. But I dont believe the curse, I'm just pointing out what its believed to be. :)

We played the first thing that came to our heads, it just happened to be the best song in the world.

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