AROS Broadway preview 3 available for Download

Date 1-Jun-2015 14:00:45
Topic: News

AROS Broadway preview 3 is now available from the indieGO!-Appstore

Or via direct link from (need to updated it when i find time - old screenshots and text)

Or you can bookmark this link:

This is a permalink.. it will always point to the latest iso.

Click READ MORE for details ===>

Changelog and general features of preview 3:
-updated indieGO!-Appstore
-VAN-player and Benchmark-Tool
-VectorAnimation Builder
-Boot-Menu (recovery mode or straight install)
-Latest AROS system files
-indieGO!-Activation tool (later this one will allow you a simple activation of Apps/games you purchased with your indieGO!-ID)

as always:
It is a preview and reflects only 25-30% by now of Broadway 1.0 which should be ready around Christmas.. worst case early 2016...
Many basic things are missing, so it is not intended to replace your productive system! It is just there to let you see our progress and join us with giving feedback and productive critics....

12color vector animation converted from a 3gp file:

ActivationTool after first boot (you can ignore it but it will nag you every boot until activation)...

The idea is that I can offer an ISO including the data of commercial apps.
If you purchased them at any point it will be naught to enter your indieGO!-ID to activate those.

A USB-image will follow ASAP.

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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