New AresOne 2012 and AEROS r3

Date 21-Jul-2012 20:00:08
Topic: hardware AROS


The AresOne 2012, just like its predecessors AresOne, AresOne 2010, and AresOne 2011, is a complete PC system specifically assembled to be used with AROS. The hardware components were selected to get the most out of the current AROS version, and to be ready for future improvements. The AresOne 2012 is suitable for Amiga enthusiasts, friends of light HTPC systems, and experienced users, it is not intended for the average Windows user (please keep in mind that AROS, albeit progressing nicely, is still in development).

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The AROS Research Operating System is a lightweight, efficient and flexible desktop operating system, designed to help you make the most of your computer. It's an independent, portable and free project, aiming at being compatible with Amiga OS at the API level, while improving on it in many areas.

Additionally to AROS, the AresOne can be pre-installed with Debian GNU/Linux, Ubuntu or Windows, if you wish.

We also include a special OEM version of Amiga Forever with the package. The latter is useful for UAE since it contains the required Kickstart and Workbench images (1.3 and 3.x) for UAE plus 50 games and 50 demos. If you need more Amiga Forever, you can also purchase the full version at a reduced price. Every AresOne customer gets a licence for the AMC software package, the program is available for download on the AMC website

A portion of the AresOne profits will be used to fund AROS projects, especially driver development and licensed application software.

So the new system is still AROS native compatible.
So you will get AEROS + you AROS distribution of choice

We have decided to add a Geforce to the base system (please check configurator for more options). This way you can use 3D acceleration in AROS native and AEROS straight away.

AresOne 2012 and AEROS r3 on youtube

AROS68k /AROS Vision on AEROS on youtube


Like in the past I am posting this before the ISO is up (uploading is in progress but takes some hours)

i was going to release AEROS r3 a bit sooner but thought to be the only one with some quirks in AROS68k.. whatever here is the changelog:

Codename „chewbacca defense“ (an insider)

AEROS has become a 4 in 1 OS.
You get AROSx86, AROSm68k(experimental),Linux and with PlayonLInux access to your Windows apps and Games

Following AROS apps have to be considered as non working under hosted
Cube (works fine but mouse-control is broken due to HOSTGL maybe?)
I have them still one the Iso(for testing) but removed them from quickstarter

Changes in r3:
PowerOFF, reboot from Quickstarter (AROS side)
New Jabberwocky
Janus 1.2 incl. AROS VISION 68k Distro from Olaf Schönweiß
Removed non working stuff
Fixed 1941extreme causing a hard crash of Quickstarter
Added removable_media device to access "removable media" : D

K3B has been replaced by Xfburn (lightweight burning tool)
added gparted (easy partitioning)
Changed Installer to a graphical one which calls gparted and allows now also to choose locales before installing
added gmrun (linux quicklauncher)
added Transmission (for downloading future releases of AEROS ; ) )
added Terminator as main Terminal (allows to run multiple terminal sessions in one Window)
added Hurrican ( use grandr (also newly added) to change resolution to 640x480 to get fullscreen)
added 2 games to ScummVM (AROS) Beneath a steel sky and Drascula

Livemode checks for the highest resolution the framebuffer driver allows with your setup (Gpu+Monitor combination)
On my AresOne 2010 the lovemode goes into 1280x720@50Hz
In virtualbox it goes into 800x600, so it depends on HW combinations.
After installation to HD and installing your GPU-driver (Nividia, AMD, Intel, whatever) you will be able to change resolutions.
It will automatically choose the largest (ideally) resolution.

This will be the last public iso for some time...
Please test and give feedback in this thread (this will become my todo list)
I will take care about all whishes and ideas.
Copy and paste, launching AROS apps from linux side and more will come in R4
In the moment i am working on a manual in english and german.

Please give feedback and have a look at my offer (get an AresOne for doing a better video than me : D ) in this thread:

Please if you consider to do a video review, check the thread above. First comes fist, and the offer is only valid for the first who does it ; )

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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