Icaros Desktop version 1.2.4 has been released

Date 1-Oct-2010 17:54:14
Topic: Software News

The new version of the popular AROS distribution Icaros Desktop has officially been released. This new version provides several enhancements to the user interface, adds some games and applications, extends the hardware support to the ION platform and fixes many bugs, improving the overall user experience.

Icaros Desktop now includes amazing 3D games like MegaMario and FooBilliard, which use Gallium3D to provide acceleration on supported cards (software renderer will be used instead on unsupported ones), but also many applications like the latest versions of AmiFIG, YAM, ProTrekkr, BigBand, Annotate, OpenUniverse and others.

Mounting disk images is easier thanks to the inclusion of the latest diskimage.device, and new keyboard shortcuts have been added to help people browsing files, and temporarily recover the system when a process hangs. User documentation has been updated to reflect the changes. A more complete list of changes from version 1.2.3 has been published on the Icaros Desktop website.


This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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