Announcing Amiga Big Bash 3 Exclusive.

Date 12-Sep-2005 22:47:50
Topic: Events

Peterborough, UK.

Amiga Big Bash 3 are proud to announce that we will be displaying the Troika "Prometheus", motherboard, exclusively to the world at our event in 12 Days time.

Dare you miss it?

The Prometheus has been designed as a low cost solution for amiga users as was the legendary Amiga A1200 in it's hey day.

Be amongst the first people in the world to see this board, up close and personal only at Big Bash 3!

Last Call for Bring and Buy tables!
Our Bring and Buy area, is filling up quickly, most tables are now fully gone, only a couple remain. If you want to sell your unwanted Amiga gear, this is the event to do so.

Highlights so far include..
2 Towered, PPC Equipped Amiga 1200's
Several unexpanded A1200's
Many other bits of Amiga hardware
Utilities etc.

Start saving! you only have 12 days to go!

Amiga Big Bash 3 takes place on Saturday 24th of September from 1:00pm onwards.

About Amiga Big Bash 3. Visit

About Troika. Visit or see their news item Here

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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