DropWin - 3D windowing capabilities for the Amiga (April fool)

Date 31-Mar-2005 23:45:48
Topic: Software News

DropWin will bring 3D windowing capabilities to the Amiga Workbench to offer a far richer user experience for work and play. But, it's not only about looks, it's about creating an engaging user experience, one that can make communications and collaboration even easier.

Applications are no longer stacked upon each other with flat icons and buttons to represent them; they are viewed in a 3D environment and manipulated as 3D objects. We are moving beyond the boundaries of old environments to revolutionize the use of the Workbench.

DropWin is being created to work with AmigaOS 3.9 (UAE or Amithlon recommended) and AmigaOS 4 in a Powericons environment. When completed, it will work alongside applications designed for a 2D window system, without application modifications. DropWin is reinventing the way you think about desktop computing.

DropWin is still in early development and is generating a continual flow of new ideas and innovations. A Developer Release enabling software developers to get involved in the open source project is available now.

For more informations, screenshots, and download visit the website

This article comes from AmigaWorld - Amiga Community Portal

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